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Wealth Strategy, Money Mindset Derick Van Ness Wealth Strategy, Money Mindset Derick Van Ness

What No “Financial Advisor” Will Ever Tell You

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I’ve been in the world of finance, investing, and wealth creation for since 1999 and I’ve seen a LOT of financial strategies and theories. However, what is most mind blowing to me isn’t what financial planners are saying… its what they are NOT saying!

Honestly, in most cases I don’t think that financial advisory types are misleading clients on purpose, its just they are so ignorant about how wealth creations really works that they leave out the most important concept of all… What am I talking about? Its called opportunity cost.

So what is opportunity cost anyway? You make have heard the term, but if you don’t know what it means, it could be costing you BIG TIME!

Simply put, opportunity cost starts with the idea that if you use your resources (in this case your “Dollars”) for opportunity A, you can no longer use them somewhere else (opportunity B). This acknowledges that you “missed out” on whatever opportunity B had to offer because your money had already being allocated. So there is a “cost” associated in whatever you might have done.

So why does this matter to you?

Because if you don’t consider the opportunity cost of how you grow and invest your money, you are likely costing yourself without even knowing it.

Let me give you some easy examples that I see all of the time…

Let’s say you are contributing money into a retirement plan but you also have balances on high(er) interest credit cards. All you see is that are are investing money (which sounds pretty sexy and savvy). What you are NOT seeing is how much you are “missing out on” by having to pay interest to your credit card company.

To go even deeper, let’s say you are earning 6% in your retirement plan but your credit card is at a 16% interest rate. In this case your opportunity cost is 10% (it is actually much higher if you account for fees & taxes) because they are “missing out” on saving the interest they could have “never paid”.

[The difference between the earnings of 6% and the loss of 16% = 10%]

The reason this is so incredibly damaging is that not acknowledging the opportunity cost would let you think you were earning 6% on your money when you are actually LOSING 10% on your money. In other words you are being completely deceived that you are doing the “right” thing when you are actually losing boat loads of money.

But that’s not the end of your losses… it gets worse!

Once you have missed out on the money you could have saved/made, you no longer have that money to reinvest for more gains. This means that every dollar you “missed” is more than a dollar, it is the amount that dollar could have earned if reinvested and grown throughout the rest of your lifetime…

The tragic part of all of this is that you DON’T EVEN KNOW ITS HAPPENING!

While you blissfully continue down the road of thinking you are a ‘savvy investor’ you are actually losing DOUBLE DIGITS on your money – year after year. It’s no wonder it seems so tough to get ahead.

So why don’t most advisors tell you about this?

Honestly, most of them don’t even know this concept exists, so they can’t share it with you. Beyond that, most of them won’t tell you because once you realize the REAL cost of tying up your money until retirement, you’ll probably never buy one of their products again.

This is a concept that you’ll never hear from Suzy Orman or Dave Ramsay – so what else is traditional financial planning not telling you? Find out by scheduling a time to talk with one of our wealth strategists and learning how wealth is REALLY created…



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Wealth Strategy Derick Van Ness Wealth Strategy Derick Van Ness

The Best Investment Nobody Talks About

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I work with a lot of very successful people who get a lot of advice. They are told a host of different ways to beef up their bottom line, save money, and invest for the future. However, most of them are NOT being told about a simple, low risk way to make HUGE returns.

Most of us are being told to invest in the stock market (which I believe is a BIG mistake for most people), invest in real estate (which I like a lot for the right people), or buy commodities as a hedge against inflation or the devaluation of the dollar.

But NONE of these has the kind of returns I’m talking about… It’s not even close. (And they often come with a lot of risk for the uninformed investor)

So why would you want to take unnecessary risk for rewards that fall far below what I’m going to suggest… Simple, there are 2 reasons:

1) It’s not sexy or glamorous. Many people choose something flashy over what gets results, but I’m a fan of dollars-that-make-me-more-dollars as a first priority (call me old fashioned).

2) It doesn’t fall under the category of a ‘traditional investment’ so most people don’t think of it that way.

So what am I talking about?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep?”

I’m talking about keeping a TON more of the money you make by (stick with me here – I’ll explain more) hiring an “A Lister” Tax Accountant.


Did you realize that taxes will be the SINGLE LARGEST COST in your life? (And your house isn’t even a close 2nd). It is HUGE!

I’ve literally seen people I work with save over $100k by paying a good tax specialist less than $5k to do a review and make some alterations to their returns.

That is a 20X RETURN…

…but it gets even BETTER!

If you have a good “tax guy” you’ll get to enjoy those savings EVERY SINGLE YEAR moving forward. For many of us that is 40, 50, or even 60 years of saving a TON more on taxes. Depending on how you determine that return on investment, it’s likely a strong 6 figure difference in your life time.

Think about that… 6 (or even 7) FIGURES on a tiny investment!

For round numbers sake, think about it like this…

If you’re household income is $150k and you pay 25% in taxes. Then you will pay $37,500 in taxes per year. If a good tax guy can get you down to 15%, you’d save $15k a year. If you’re in your 30’s and going to pay taxes for the next 40 years (or longer), that’s over $600,000 in savings. ($15,000 x 40 = $600,000)

Imagine if you make more than that… Your returns will be even higher!

Picture all of the fun adventures you could have, the house you could buy, or what you could do for your family with all of that “extra cash”!

So here’s the problem…

Most people are TOO LAZY to take the time to find someone that is actually an “A Lister” when it comest to taxes. In fact, you probably believe your current “guy” is really good… right?

But how do you know?

Have you ever had someone double check his/her work?

The truth might surprise you…

I’ve seen the numbers, and it’s pretty staggering. In the firms I’ve worked with, the average business owner we double checked was over paying taxes by more than $20,000 a year. Yep, I said it… $20K A YEAR!

That’s obscene – and its unnecessary. You EARNED the money, and you deserve to KEEP it.

So what should you do about it?

First you need to decide that you’re willing to consider working with someone who’s more than ‘average’ at taxes. You’ve got to come to the realization that you need a true PRO!

Second, you need help evaluating your situation. Everyone’s situation is different, so reach out to us to set up and appointment and we’ll help you evaluate your current situation and your “tax guy” to see what makes sense.

We’ll even refer you to an “A Lister” if yours isn’t cutting the mustard, so you’ve got NOTHING to lose. It’s completely free and you can schedule your appointment by clicking here…

So it’s up to you. Are you willing to spend a few minutes and a few bucks to create TREMENDOUS returns? (I mean the kind that can literally change the course of your financial life)

If the answer is ‘Yes’, then download What Would the Rockefeller's Do? and learn more about how the wealthy utilize money differently, and how you can learn from their approach.

On a final note, if you aren’t filing for tax incentives or rebates, you could be missing out on a LOT of money the IRS would gladly give back. Over 95% of CPA’s don’t do this for small businesses, so it’s worth considering. You can find out more about that here…

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